Submission Deadline:           October 1, 2025

Awards announcement:        January 15, 2026

Funding begins:                 upon execution of grant agreement

Primary Research Mission

PAF is a non-profit organization whose primary mission is to help advance research devoted to finding treatments and a cure for propionic acidemia.  By funding research, we aim to accelerate new knowledge, discovery, development and/or evaluation of therapeutics leading to better treatment and a cure for all individuals affected by PA.

Application categories:

1) Research Projects – Basic and Clinical research including initial grant request or continuation grant supporting projects designed to understand the molecular basis of the PA pathology and explore possible therapeutic avenues for the treatment of this condition.  Past awards have ranged from $3,000-50,000 per year and may last 1 or 2 years upon competitive renewal.

2) Post-Doctoral Fellows Program – This program provides financial support up to $50,000 per one year for a metabolic/genetic fellow working on a research project in PA. This salary is intended to supplement any existing institutional support

PAF is particularly, but not exclusively, interested in the following areas of research:

  • Development of chelating compounds for PA toxicity
  • Risk factors for development of brain damage, pancreatitis, kidney disease, cardiomyopathy and/or arrhythmias,
  • Disease modifiers in PA
  • Development of new animal or cell/tissue-models for the study of PA
  • Improved treatment including nutrition

Grants will be evaluated by the PAF Medical Advisory Board and Board of Directors based on the scientific validity and merit of the proposed research; technical feasibility; impact on accelerating discovery, development or evaluation of therapeutics; potential translation to humans; innovation; and ability to complete the research within the funding period.

Additional evaluation criteria include the relevance of the proposed research to PAF goals, specific research priorities and how the project fits with the current project portfolio.

Applicants are encouraged to use the funding to support innovative seed or pilot projects to produce preliminary data that could lead to more substantial funding from federal agencies, foundations or corporations.

If you have any additional questions regarding applications and funding regulations, please email


Applicants are invited to submit a full proposal (single-spaced with 0.5″ margins using no less than 11-point Arial fonts). Full proposals should include the following in order and be submitted in one electronic document in the order listed below to

  • Project Title
  • Principal Investigator Name, title, address (institution), phone, and email
  • PAF Grant Type: initial research grant, a continuation grant, or a Fellowship
  • Abstract/Summary of the Project (1 technical and 1 for the lay audience)
  • Introduction
  • Hypothesis to be tested
  • Significance of proposed research to individuals with PA
  • Specific Aims/Objectives
  • Preliminary Studies if applicable
  • Methods and procedures
  • Proposed results and potential challenges
  • Project timeline
  • Detailed Project Budget of total direct cost estimate for all categories of requested support including justification in U.S. dollars. Indirect costs will not be payable through the grant.  Include total proposed by year if project period is longer than 1 year in scope.
  • Bio sketch for all key scientific and technical personnel. The NIH or other standard Bio sketch format is acceptable.
  • Relevant Publications during the past five-year period. For continuation applications, list research articles submitted during the current grant period (published or in press).
  • Assurances and Collaborative Agreements including Letters of Intent to Collaborate and Letters of Agreement from consultants
  • Other Sources of Support including current and pending research support of all key scientific and technical personnel. Identify other support for the proposed project(s) including title, abstract, annual and total amount of the grant, inclusive funding period and percent of effort of the applicant. If there are no other grants, indicate “none.”

Number of awards each cycle is dependent on the number of applications, outcome of review and the availability of funds. PAF is not obligated to make awards following each grant cycle.

Applicants without a faculty appointment (e.g., post-doctoral level) must also submit a letter of support from their project mentor.

Please contact PAF with any questions at or 877-720-2192

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