Propionic Acidemia Foundation Exhibit at Abbott conference 2019

Patient Education and Support


A Care Notebook is designed to help organize information in one place to help families, caregivers and providers.  It is available in English and Spanish.

Build Your Own Care Notebook – American Academy of Pediatrics

PAF Care Notebook Planner-English

Propionic Acidemia Care Notebook – Spanish PDF

Medical Home Portal – Care Notebook

Check out the Family Stories page.

If you would like to add your story to the Family Stories Page or submit it for the Newsletter, please email it to with a completed Photograph and Story Release Form – English or Photograph and Story Release Form – Spanish

Caring for those with Propionic Acidemia can be devastating; difficulties may include problems in understanding the disease, financial costs of the disorder and/or loss of income, finding resources to meet medical and family needs, and emotional and physical stress.

When PA strikes, the entire family feels the impact.

  • Parents first cope with feelings of disbelief, hurt, and anger, which soon evolve into the daily physical and emotional stresses of caring for a very fragile child.
  • Parent work schedules may have to be adjusted, or other arrangements need to be made for childcare at home and in the hospital.
  • Siblings often feel anger and resentment as busy and tired parents have less time for them.  They also may have mixed feelings when their sister or brother is in the hospital, and they are missing a parent or staying with friends or relatives. “It’s hard when Bella vomits, because my mom is stressed out very much. It’s hard when Bella is in the hospital because my mom has to stay with her, and I miss them very much. I love Bella and I want her to be always healthy.”  –  Luke 8, brother of Isabella 2
  • Infections, such as a common cold, can result in a hospital visit.  Every unscheduled hospital stay is terrifying as the outcome could mean organ damage or death.  The family has to make decisions on which holidays and family events are “safe” to bring their child.
  • Family outings and vacations are affected by the PA child’s condition and special precautions may need to be taken.
  • The family kitchen soon becomes a laboratory for precisely weighing and measuring their medically prescribed low protein formula.
  • The daily schedule is focused around the feeding schedule.
  • Financial strains are felt by the family, because of extensive medical care and therapies.

Parents need to learn what they need to know about PA, medical insurance, state programs for respite/nursing, school, and transition.   This is not an easy process.

If you are close to a family with PA, there are things you can do to help.

  • You can make sure you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer every time you are near the child.   Make sure the family knows if you are sick before they attend an event.
  • You can bring or send meals to the family.
  • You can help with transportation of a sibling or watching the sibling.
  • You can visit the family when the child is hospitalized
  • You can call to check in with the family.

Video on advocacy

Recent PAF Newsletters

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Dr. Charles P. Venditti, M.D., Ph.D
Research approaches to study propionic acidemia: lessons from patients and mice
Zineb Ammous, MD FACMG, PA 
Propionic Acidemia Overview
Elaine Wakefield, RDN, LP
Fueling the Body
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