Deerfield High School Chest 2016 Raises $168,332.35 for PAF

Last September, PAF learned the amazing news that our organization was chosen as the beneficiary of Deerfield High School’s yearly School Chest fundraising campaign! This is a humbling honor, especially knowing the many incredible and worthy charities that were considered this year!

We know that part of the reason why PAF was chosen is because of Jordan’s connection to DHS. To honor Jordan and other children who have Propionic Acidemia, the students, faculty and community of DHS are dedicated to spreading awareness and raising money for PA.
Students and the community participated in 3 weeks of fun activities to raise money and awareness for Propionic Acidemia.  School Chest Letter 2016     Over $170,000 was raised in 3 weeks.  See Fall 2016 Newsletter and Spring 2017 Newsletter for more information.


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