Email PAF at paf@pafoundation for more information.

Newsletter Sponsorships:

The PAF Newsletter provides essential updates on research, including treatment options, current research projects, and clinical trials. Outreach activities may feature upcoming conferences, family days, virtual events/activities, and the Warrior Birthday Club. It also offers a platform for families to share their stories. The fall edition includes our annual report.

Newsletter Reach:

• Electronically distributed to families affected by PA (including internationally), physicians, RDs, clinics, and other stake holders

• 1,100+ print copies distributed to affected families, physicians, RDs, clinics and other stake holders in the US Additional print copies distributed at conferences attended by PAF (possibly including SIMD, GMDI, Abbott Nutrition Metabolic), newly diagnosed families, etc. •

Partner $5,000+

Company logo printed on PAF’s Spring and Fall newsletters under Sponsors ($2500 for either the Spring or Fall Newsletter)

Supporter $1,500-$4,999

Company name listed as sponsor in PAF’s Spring and Fall newsletters ($750 for either the Spring or Fall Newsletter)

Deadline for Spring Newsletter: March 1, 2025.  Deadline for Fall Newsletter:  August 1, 2025.

Education Grants for Mailings and Webinars:

If you are interested in collaborating on educational materials or webinars, please contact us at

Friend Sponsorship (choose an amount)

Sponsorships can be made by check to

Propionic Acidemia Foundation

PO Box 151

Deerfield, IL 60015-4421

Logos can be emailed to

Thank you to all of our sponsors!  We really appreciate your support and generosity.

Searching for a cure   Hope for our Children

Recent PAF Newsletters

Summer 2024 PAF Newsletter Spring 2024 PAF Newsletter Fall 2023 PAF Newsletter
Dr. Charles P. Venditti, M.D., Ph.D
Research approaches to study propionic acidemia: lessons from patients and mice
Zineb Ammous, MD FACMG, PA 
Propionic Acidemia Overview
Elaine Wakefield, RDN, LP
Fueling the Body
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