Reach for the Stars 2006


“Fund raising?  Are you kidding me?  I don’t have time for charity auctions, golf tournaments or even bake sales.  I’m a full time working mom with a special needs child.  I’m sorry you’ll just have to ask someone else.”

My daughter, Kirstyn Paige is a very energetic 18 month old toddler who has Propionic Acidemia.   After she was born in August of 2004, I wondered where I could focus my energy to feel like I was making a difference for her and the PA Foundation.  Fund raising was a hot topic and I thought it would be a great idea to jump on that wagon.   I just didn’t know how much energy I would have at the end of the day after working full time as a Deputy Clerk in the court system and running a household with a husband who also works full time. I also am not the youngest mom of the bunch, which could also explain some lack of energy!!!

After a lot of thought and a couple of fund raising ideas that didn’t work out, I realized that I needed to incorporate my efforts to fit my busy lifestyle.  I decided to share my PAF brochures with my co-workers and by the end of the day I had fifty dollars cash sitting in my desk drawer for donations.  Just from handing out a brochure!  Alot of people inquired about PAF and how they could help.  My response was “money, honey!!”  Their response was very positive.  I decided that I am going to have my own campaign called “Reach for the Stars – 2006”.  I went to my local dollar store and have purchased paper stars.  I am going to offer them this Spring to my co-workers in exchange for making a donation to PAF.  I have a local printing company that is willing to print the logo on the stars as a donation also!!  This is turning out to be really cool!!

“Fund raising?”  You bet!!  I’m a full time working mom with a special needs child.  My family, friends and co-workers are going to make sure that we reach those stars!!”

Written by Marsha

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