Lucy H. – updated Fall 2016![]() My name is Lucy And I have PA. I am 18 years old and graduated High School in May. I also have: Autism, Aspergers, Prolong QT Syndrome, and some intellectual disability. All of these things make some parts of my life difficult for me to handle. Sometimes when I have to go through certain things like my health problems it can get a little stressful for me. However I am so happy that even though I am the only person in my family who has special needs what so ever, my family and all my cousins love me a lot anyways and they love having me around. Now I want to tell you a little bit about my family. Besides my parents I have: two siblings, a dog and two cats. Out of everything I do for Physical activity my favorite would definitely have to be Ballet Dancing. I started doing Ballet at In July 2015 my mom and I traveled with my cheer team to Los Angeles for the Special Olympics world games. We cheered for athletes at lots of the sports events and we got to perform our routines. We became celebrities, we were on the news, people stopped us everywhere for pictures and autographs. It felt really cool to be famous. I also did Rhythmic Gymnastics for a couple years for Special Olympics as well, and I won lots of gold metals. I also do a Special Needs beauty pageant every year in April. In 2014 I won the whole pageant and I got crowned as: Young Ms. Fabulous. I got to ride on a float in the Christmas parade downtown that year in December. I was freezing!!!!! However I thought that was really super cool.!, because I had never done anything like that before. I have a collection of 24 American girl dolls. I still play with them constantly when I am not at school, and its my favorite hobby. When I play with them it relieves a lot of my stress. In middle school people made fun of me for playing with them at my age, but now I just over look those people, because its what makes me happy. My favorite thing to do with them is brush out and style their hair. Especially with braids. As far as school goes I am really good at math. I have taken in high school Algebra and Geometry. I was definitely better at algebra. I was in a resource Special Ed. English class, because I can’t comprehend that well when I read. I can read very well, but I can still only comprehend at about a 3rd or 4th grade level, so I choose to often read those books so that I can actually enjoy the story. When I was a Junior I went to my school prom for the first time. I took my friend Niki to the prom with me because I didn’t want to go with a guy. When I went to prom it was not like I had imagined it being, but I thought it was so cool and I was overly excited to be going!!!! I danced that whole night constantly. But by 11:00 pm I was ready to drop and I fell fast asleep on the way home. Some children & teenagers who have a disability don’t have very many friends or any at all. I consider myself lucky because I have a whole lot of friends. And they have all been also very supportive of me having a disability and this health condition. My Summary: The older I have gotten the more I have been able to do with taking care of myself and my diet. I can now I graduated in May from high school. For my career I want to take care of as many children as I possibly can with all kinds of different special needs and disabilities. I want to help them learn and grow just like other normal children. To make this happen, I will be working with Vocational Rehab to explore future job possibilities and the further education I will need to do these jobs. To sum it all up I have to face a lot of challenges in my life especially with learning because of my cognitive delays and learning disability. I always try to put forth all the effort I’ve got in everything I do. And in general I am a very caring and compassionate person. Everyone in my family and at school tells me all the time you are an extremely good friend. I think they are right about that. Having a disability makes it so that unfortunately I am a little less mature in some ways than other people my age. But sometimes I feel like that is what makes me who I am and also what makes me special. A lot of people have told me throughout my life in high school that I am a really strong girl. I really do try to be strong even when I don’t feel that way, but sometimes I have no other choice. I am a very smart and determined teenager. I am always determined to do whatever makes me most happy in life. The motto I have for myself is: “ You can do anything you want to as long as you stay strong and put your mind to it. With faith all things that you want to happen in life are possible you just have to believe in yourself.” I plan to use this quote for the rest of my life. formula with supervision and I can do all of my own tube feedings. I only use my tube for my formula. The more we have learned about I graduated in May from high school. For my career I want to take care of as many children as I possibly can with all kinds of different special needs and disabilities. I want to help them learn and grow just like other normal children. To make this happen, I will be working with Vocational Rehab to explore future job possibilities and the further education I will need to do these jobs. To sum it all up I have to face a lot of challenges in my life especially with learning because of my cognitive delays and learning disability. I always try to put forth all the effort I’ve got in everything I do. And in general I am a very caring and compassionate person. Everyone in my family and at school tells me all the time you are an extremely good friend. I think they are right about that. Having a disability makes it so that unfortunately I am a little less mature in some ways than other people my age. But sometimes I feel like that is what makes me who I am and also what makes me special. A lot of people have told me throughout my life in high school that I am a really strong girl. I really do try to be strong even when I don’t feel that way, but sometimes I have no other choice. I am a very smart and determined teenager. I am always determined to do whatever makes me most happy in life. The motto I have for myself is: “ You can do anything you want to as long as you stay strong and put your mind to it. With faith all things that you want to happen in life are possible you just have to believe in yourself.” I plan to use this quote for the rest of my life. – Lucy ———————————————————————————————————————————- Fall 2013 Hello friends,My name is Lucy and there are a lot of things that I do to contribute to this world even though I have Propionic Acidemia. There are lots of new things I just started doing this year and it has been unbelievable . It has created a whole new world for me. I am 15 and a sophomore at HCHS in Lexington, KY. My favorite classes this year are child development and chorus. Last year my favorite class Algebra and I it was really hard for me but I still was able to get a b. This year I take biology, world civ, geometry and English. I have to have a teacher make sure I stay on task and sometimes write for me because I can’t write quick enough to keep up. We do a lot of homework and mom has to drink a lot of wine to get through it.I get help with making sure my tube feedings get done at school, I do them on my own but I still have an adult to make sure they get done on time. I take my lunch that mom and I decide on and measure at home. An adult makes sure I eat everything and if I eat something else, I call my mom to check and I bring home the package. At lunch you don’t have to sit with your specific class anymore and you can sit wherever you want. I like going to school because I get to see my friends everyday. There are some people that make fun of me and are never going to change. My fishy smell is a big issue. When people bully me I try to go to the principal or the counselor. They try to help but kids don?t always listen. Sometimes I get down in the dumps about this, but don’t want to talk about it because they will call me a snitch. This year the most exciting thing was starting special Olympics cheer leading. This has opened up a whole new world for me because I made a bunch of new friends. It is a very good sport to do with friends because we work as a team. We went to competitions in Atlanta and here in Lexing-ton. We have the coolest makeup and this year we got new uni-forms with lots of sparkles. We have one of the most well known special Olympics cheer teams and were undefeated for 11 years. We have lots of people who can do flips and handsprings. I can do a forward and roll, an OK toe touch jump and I am working on a cartwheel but am trouble with my arm strength and straight legs. Cheersport competition in Atlanta was amazing. We won second out of 13 teams in the Special Needs Elite Division and I got a Cheersport jacket because it was my first year. I was so excited about being up on that stage with my team. I told my mom it was the best day of my life. Even though I am 15 my favorite hobby is to play with my American girl dolls. I have 18. I also have been doing dance since I was 3. I go to a church dance program with my friend Anna, but this year I am going to stick to ballet and work with my elementary school dance teacher.It feels like I?ve been able to eat this well since birth now. I really love to eat. Some of the things I eat are chips, pretzels, crackers, goldfish, strawberries, pineapple, apple, grapes, bananas, blueberry, tomato, mushrooms, cooked onions, cooked cabbage, corn, carrots, broccoli, beans, peas, edemame, sweet potatoes, pizza, pasta, french fries and my dad and I go get Chi-nese once a week (veggies and rice for me). I also drink things like water, juice, milk, and sprite. I don’t drink my formula though because it tastes bad. This year I was also in a Special Needs pageant where I won second in the talent part. I sang a song from a Bar-bie movie about friends and I sang acapella. I have a good voice and I like to sing. I went to Therapeutic camp this summer. I didn’t get to do Riding for Hope with the horse park this year because we were too busy with cheer. I was taking a tumbling class until I had to have surgery on my umbilical hernia and I will start that back soon. I took a musical theatre class at the Lexington Children’s Theatre one week this summer. It was called “Show your Wicked Side and we sang lots of songs from Wizard of Oz, Wicked, and The Wiz. I sang a solo part in Easy on down. After that we went to Chicago the first of August for a Special Olympics Gymnastics camp. It was great but really wore me out. Mom has been worried about me ever since we got back because I have been taking lots of naps. Dad says I need more exercise and they are making me take lots of walks and bike rides. The best part was I got to go to the American Girl store and have dinner. I have a CLS worker who started in March. Her name is Miranda and she makes me do a lot of chores. We go to the grocery and she makes me estimate costs and choose which brand to get. I always get the cheapest. We exercise, cook, run errands, go to the library, do laundry, work on reading comprehension, go shopping at the mall and she makes me count out the money. We had a yard sale and I sold all my barbies so I could make money for Chicago. Miranda made me add up the sales and count out the change. Even though she makes me work I like her and we do fun things too like watch movies, have brunch with her niece, and get manicures. This sum-mer she helped me learn to wash my own hair. I figured out I could wear my goggles in the shower and the water wouldn’t get in my eyes. That is really great!I am back in school now and Cheer starts again next week. We are really busy with all this and mom says it wears her out, but it is fun! That’s about all I have to tell for now.Love –Lucy ps. I love to text and email so send me a message sometime. —————————————————————————- About Me: Written by Lucy
My name is Lucy Caroline H. I am eight years old. I am a little girl who goes to Cassidy School. I am in the second grade in Mrs. McCormick’s class. I can read level two books; my favorites are Wings on Things, Junie B. Jones, and Hopscotch Hill books. Even though I can read them very well I like them better when my mom or dad reads them to me. My best skills at school are recess, 100% A+ Spelling Tests, and I am getting better with having green behavior cards (that means no arguing and talking back).
I go to Mrs. Kimball’s dance class on Monday’s and Thursday’s after school. We learn how to do arabesques, kicks and sashays. Last week we were in the variety show at my school. We performed a dance to “It’s a Hard Knock Life” from Annie and all of us dressed up like orphans.
I have tube feedings but I like to eat too! I like French fries, corn off the cob, asparagus, spaghetti with butter and salt, and most of all I love, love, love to cut up mushrooms, cook them with dad and eat them up.
I went to Disney this January with Make-A-Wish. I got to dance with Minnie Mouse and the Princesses, ride The Tea Cups Carousel, Dumbo, the Magic Carpet and all the rides. It was a wonderful trip.
I have two cats, one named Isabella and one named Samantha. Samantha is a kitten and I got her for an early birthday present. She is fun to play with and I try to remember to feed her. I am looking forward to summer when I can go tubing and swimming in Grandaddy’s lake in South Carolina. I love that!
About Lucy: Written by Mom
What can I add about Lucy. I can think of many words to describe her: Determined, Talkative, Dramatic, Strong-Willed. She has so much energy she wears me out with her determination. I have to laugh sometimes when I remember thinking she might not talk. This girl can talk your head off, and has a vocabulary beyond her eight years. Lucy’s favorite thing to do is pretend. She plays dress up, school, tea party, baby dolls, dance party, performs, sings, plays dollhouse, groovy girls, fashion pollys, barbies, pooh characters. She is all girl!!!!!!
Lucy is maintaining normal cognitive skills at school. We work really hard for this and do lots of repetition to help her with homework, extra help at school, tutoring, and therapies. She has the most trouble with focus and things requiring this focus. So far with repetition she is able to learn and every day it amazes me what she picks up that we haven’t worked on at all. Socially she is a little immature. She has trouble interacting appropriately with her peers, but we are working on this with social groups at school, coaching from teachers and us, playdates, social stories, etc. We have seen progress in this area too, slow sometimes, then leaps. I worry most that she won’t have friends because she can be so bossy or inappropriate with her peers. We just have to keep working on this. In a way I am glad she doesn’t care so much about what peers think, because they can be cruel sometimes, especially as she gets older. She really loves her dance class and performing with the group. This takes place as school and the teacher focuses a lot on team building and recognizing each others strengths. It is a great way for the girls to get to know others in the school, not just the kids in her class. Her school has been great. She has an aid to do tube feedings and make sure she eats snack and lunch. She also has some extra help with her work when she needs it. Many of the teachers know how to do her tube feedings too. I have been very happy with her care there. She goes to church school weekly and this year she has her first communion which she seems to be pretty excited about. Her Propionic Acidemia is in fairly good control as long as she is healthy. We maintain strict diet intake, tube feeding and oral meals. Lucy enjoys eating, which we work really hard for. It is fun to take her to a restaurant and watch her order her “French fries with extra salt and a glass of water with a lid”. She also likes spaghetti, spaghetti O’s, Saute’ mushrooms with garlic, tomatoes, asparagus, bananas, goldfish crackers, pretzels, garlic bread, waffles, butter sandwiches, the list goes on. We check her blood amino acids and urine organics about twice a year now, unless she is sick. Her growth is stable. She is a big girl: about 79 lbs, about 53 inches tall. Lucy takes Atenolol daily for her Prolonged QT Syndrome which was diagnosed in December 2004. She also has a leg length difference which effects her balance. We monitor that through Shriner’s orthapedics and she wears a lift on her left shoe to help. We are not quite sure what will happen with that as she grows, we just have to wait and see had bad the difference gets. Just like normal families with kids we are busy. School, play dates, homework, work for mom and dad, and the pa extras thrown in. Lucy and I battle a lot, the mommy – daughter thing at its best. Many days I feel like I am talking to a teenager already the way she argues with me over almost everything. I definitely need my glass of wine every evening to get me through homework time. I am not kidding!!!!! After all it is my job to take care of her and often that means being the bad guy, but I am a good mommy, whether she likes it or not. HA! |