


October 19, 2024 – PAF 和社区健康诊所将在西普谢瓦纳 (Shipshewana) 共同举办 PA Hope for the Heartland Family Education Conference, 在. 注册已开放: 2024 October 19 会议 – 丙酸血症基金会 ( 空间有限. 会议预计爆满.

十一月 2024 – NY Marathon PA Runners 将为 PAF 筹款.


春季通讯现已推出. Fall stories/articles due August 1st, 2024. Please email to [email protected]寄存器 与PAF如果您想通过邮寄或电子邮件接收简讯或更新您的联系信息.

Grant Applications

在春天 2024, PAF获得了 $50,000 初始研究补助金 4/1/24-3/31/25.

格兰特·米切尔, MD, 朱圣贾斯汀, 蒙特利尔, 加拿大


Due October 1, 2024 – 如有问题, contact [email protected]

PA International Patient Registry

该PA国际患者注册为PA患者和家属全世界的方式来改善疾病的理解和报告有关疾病如何影响他们的信息加快研究. 注册表本身就是一个IRB批准的研究项目,收集到的数据将有助于表征与PA的人生活条件. 你可以找到更多的

PARunners 为 PA 铺路

Join the PAF Pounding the Pavement for PA team or start your own! Run in any race, around your block, or become a “virtual runner” Contact Brittany Smith for more information at [email protected] . Check out events to follow our progress.


The PAF Privacy Policy has been updated to include EU. The link to the Privacy Policy can be found at the bottom of every webpage.