
Newsletter Committee is responsible for compiling, 编辑, 和通讯的分布.

Committee members: 朱莉·霍华德, 珍妮弗Mouat

Fundraising Committee is responsible for addressing fundraising.

Fundraising Chair: 布列塔尼·史密斯

研究委员会 is responsible for distributing information to current and potential researchers on grant opportunities.

Committee members: Jill Chertow, 布列塔尼·史密斯, Maria L. Cotrina, Angela Waits

外联委员会 is responsible for reaching out to families and medical providers.

社交媒体志愿者: 维罗妮卡·洛佩兹(Veronica Lopez)

Warrrior生日俱乐部 负责向丙酸血症及其兄弟姐妹的个人发送生日贺卡. 需要注册.

委员会: 希瑟·麦卡锡(Heather McCarthy)和橡树草坪(Oak Lawn)故乡中学

大会规划委员会,,en,负责与勇士智慧帮助会议,,en,安伯·莫斯,,es is responsible for helping with the Warrior Wisdom Conference

Committee members: 招募 2022 Conference


Email [email protected] 加入一个委员会的更多信息,.
