Warriors Birthday Club

Warriors Birthday Club

Bine ați venit la ziua de naștere a războinicului! Prietenii noștri de la Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School și St.. Linus will be sending out the cards. Affected children and their siblings are invited to participate. Vă rugăm să completați formularul pentru 2024-2025 school year. Dacă vă aflați în afara Statelor Unite ale Americii, in lieu of cards, we will be sending emails.

    Numele și prenumele




    Zip Code

    Date of birth (ll / zz / aaaa)

    Your Email

    Favorite Color:

    Activitate preferat sau Sport:

    Grup Favorit Muzica:

    TV preferate Afișare:

    Joc Favorit pentru a juca (jocuri de masă sau video):

    Please prove you are human by selecting the star.


    Past Birthday and Holiday Club partners:

    2016-2017 school year: Deerfield High School (DHS) în memoria lui Jordan Franks.

    2017-2018 school year: Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School

    2018-2019 school year: Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School

    2019/2020 school year: Școala medie din orașul Oak Lawn și Familia Smith

    2020/2021 school year: Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School and St. Linus

    2021/2022 school year: Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School and St. Linus

    2022/2023 school year: Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School and St. Linus