Amber B. – 21 years old – actualizat februarie 2017Amber B.

Chihlimbar este o persoană foarte fericit, chiar și atunci când ea nu se simte bine, ea este mereu zambitoare. Ea iubește muzica country; Luke Bryan este favoritul ei,,en,Ea va fi absolvit liceul în luna mai,,en,și va începe un program de zi la un centru de training local cu prietenii ei,,en,În ultimii ani, starea ei de sănătate a fost în sus și în jos, cu care se ocupă ei cu c-dif,,en,dar este de a face în continuare progrese în fiecare zi,,en,Ea este o persoană uimitor de puternic, care îmi dă tărie în fiecare zi,,en. She will be graduating from high school in May of 2017 and will begin a day program at a local training center with her friends. The last few years her health has been up and down with her dealing with c-diff, TVP (cheag de sânge) în picior, Diabet, accidente vasculare cerebrale metabolice, și QT lung. But, prin ea tot ceea ce este un luptător și-a revenit bine și rapid. Ea funcționează la un nivel în vârstă de 4-5 ani, but is still making progress every day. She is an amazingly strong person who gives me strength every day.


Povestea lui Amber acidemia propionic Hi my name is Amber, I am 12 years old and I am in 7th grade at Chestnut Log Middle School. I have PA and I’m ok with it. My favorite thing to do is listen to country music. My favorite artist, right now, is Carrie Underwood. I love to sing with her. I love to eat anything that does not eat me first. My favorite foods are spaghetti with marinara sauce, brocolli, and french fries. I eat and drink everything by mouth, including my formula. I kinda like the flavor of it. I do have significant developmental delays, but I am very happy. I have cool hearing aids, they are blue and white, and I just started wearing glasses. Not too bad either. I have not been in the hospital for about 3 years now, I hate the hospital, but they give you cool stuff while you are there, like toys and games, my favorite thing to do in the hospital is play bingo, I am very good at it.

I have a little sister, Tiffany, she has PA too. To me that is great, because I am not alone, she has to drink the formula too and get sticks too. It makes me feel better to have her there with me at the doctor’s office.

God Bless You,
Amber B.
Georgia, Statele Unite