
A Fundação Acidemia Propionic é dedicada a encontrar melhores tratamentos e uma cura para Acidemia Propionic pelo financiamento da investigação e prestação de informações e apoio às famílias e profissionais médicos.

Funding Research

Since its inception, PAF has funded over $1,400,000 in research.

Providing Information and support

  • Attend and Exhibit at National Conferences
  • Site – links to Parent Guides, nutritional information, research publications, resources, etc…
  • Boletim informativo sent out twice a year
  • PA International Patient Registry
  • PA Education Conference offers opportunity for families, researchers and medical providers to learn and interact
  • PA Family Day give families time to learn from other families that are affected by PA in a warm, casual environment.
  • Facebook Group gives families a chance to ask questions, give updates, and get support.
  • Care Notebook for families that can be downloaded
  • Toll free phone number (US)


Para criar um futuro onde Propionic Acidemia pode ser prevenida e qualquer indivíduo afetado pode ser curado e viver uma vida produtiva.