Christian M.

Christian M. – Febrary atualizados 2019

Christian M.

Christian M.

Christian, also known as CJ, é um divertido amorosa de cinco anos. Ele gosta de ouvir música, dança, e cante. Suas atividades preferidas incluem jogar com sua irmã e assistir vídeos do YouTube. Christian é no jardim de infância dia inteiro e adora socializar com seus amigos. Christian juntou Yoga Clube na escola e ele participa de ginástica, tênis, aulas de mágica, e passeios a cavalo através do distrito de parque. Ele adora viajar e seu lugar favorito para visitar é o Great Smoky Mountains.

Christian’s older sister was diagnosed with Propionic Acidemia through the newborn prescreening, therefore we had a crisis management plan put in place for his birth. Within 48 hours of his birth, we received his diagnosis of PA. Currently, come cristãos 11 gramas de proteína, bebidas Propimex-2, e tomar vitaminas diariamente. Nós sempre parecem acabar no hospital durante a temporada de gripe, mas diferente do que Christian tem sido um pouco reunião muito feliz e saudável menino todos os seus marcos.

história passada – Christian – age 3


Christian M.

Christian, also known as CJ, is a three year old dancing machine. He loves to listen to music and have dance parties in our kitchen and basement. He is the life of the party and always making people smile. CJ attend preschool twice a week and is also involved in soccer and gymnastics. At home, he loves to follow his older sister around and try to play whatever she is playing. His superhero toys are often battling Barbies. Like most other three year olds, CJ loves cars, trucks, and his favorite television show is Paw Patrol.