Bereavement Support

Bereavement Support

Many of the links below have websites, local chapters, and facebook groups. Les liens ont été recommandés par les membres de notre communauté PA,,en,Soutien à la perte d'enfant,,en. If you would like to speak to a family that has lost a family member with propionic acidemia, please contact us a [email protected]

Compassionate Friends because love never dies

Helping Parents Heal

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Silent Grief – Child Loss Support – Groupe Facebook

Partenaires du progrès,,en,Les parents et les scientifiques Catalyse recherche sur les maladies rares,,en,15 novembre,,en,Houston,,en: Families and Scientists Catalyze Research for Rare Diseases

“Partners in Progress: Families and Scientists Catalyze Research for Rare Diseases”

On Nov. 15, 2017, Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital hosted a panel discussion as part of theEvenings with Genetics seminar series held at the Children’s Museum of Houston. The topic was “Partners in Progress: Families and Scientists Catalyze Research for Rare Diseases” and panelists traveled from both coasts and the center of the country. Panelists included Jill Chertow Franks, President, Fondation acidémie propionique; Cynthia Le Mons, Executive Director of the National Urea Cycle Disorder Foundation, Tracy Smith Hart, Chief Executive Officer, Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation and Brendan Lee, MD, PhD, Robert and Janice McNair Endowed Chair, Professor, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine. These family/scientist partnerships are a new and exciting development in the research efforts for those impacted by rare diseases.

The audience of almost 80 people consisted of parent leaders, rare disease foundations, medical students, genetic counseling students, pharmaceutical companies and undergraduate biotech majors. Each panelist discussed the partnerships with rare disease organizations and scientists and their strategies for success in obtaining funding for research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). en outre, panelists shared how they became involved in the rare disease organization and offered advice for other rare disease organizations as well as researchers with regards to working together to submit requests for funding. Dr. Brendan Lee discussed the positive impact of family/scientist partnerships and that these collaborations highly beneficial for progress in understanding rare disorders and developing effective therapies.

Susan D. Fernbach, RN, BSN

Director of Genetic Outreach

Director of Diversity and Community Engagement

Assistant Professor, Dept. Molecular and Human Genetics

Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children’s Hospital

Annabelle’s Transplant

Annabelle’s Transplant

Annabelle Grace was born September 20, 2016 and like many children with Propionic Acidemia (Pennsylvanie) she went Naissance d'Annabelleen crise métabolique quelques jours après la naissance,,en,Après cette semaine, l'équipe de transplantation a déménagé à l'unité de récupération de greffe où elle est restée jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit libérée,,en,Même quand elle tombe malade, nous ne nous inquiétons pas autant de la possibilité d'une lésion cérébrale importante, car ses niveaux d'ammoniaque restent dans la plage normale ou ne sont que légèrement élevés.,,en,Le plus haut son ammoniaque a eu après la transplantation a été,,en,et sa nouvelle normale sur une "bonne journée" maintenant moyennes dans les années 30,,en,Il a également été incroyable de voir les progrès du développement qu'elle a fait après la greffe,,en,Elle est tellement plus alerte,,en. After talking to our genetics team in December 2016 we started pursing the option of a liver transplant for Annabelle. Even though we managed Annabelle’s care so meticulously she would still end up in the hospital every couple of months for high ammonia levels above 100 (often for no reason and with no detected illness). Annabelle had a g-tube placed when she was two weeks old, but even with pushing fluids and using sick day formulas we found it difficult to keep her metabolically stable (we checked her ketones EVERYDAY). We tried Carbaglu (which is supposed to help lower ammonia) along with high doses of Carnitine and Bicitra (Sodium Citrate), and those medications didn’t even seem to help control her metabolic instability. Her ammonia on a “good day” seemed to hover inthe 60’s or 70’s, and even the night before her transplant her ammonia was 71. We realized early on that Annabelle had a very severe mutation, and we were told by many medical professionals that she was one bad illness away from another metabolic crisis that could cause serious brain damage.

After talking with other families we were told that the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh was the place to go for transplant. The only liver transplant option in our state (North Carolina) was Duke University, but they had never performed a liver transplant on a child with PA. In April 2017 we ventured up to Pittsburgh, PA for Annabelle’s liver transplant evaluation and immediately fell in love with everything this hospital had to offer. Annabelle was officially listed for transplant on May 2, 2017. We immediately started fundraising and used the assistance of COTA (Children’s Organ Transplant Association) which we cannot recommend enough. Within three months our team of volunteers raised over $50,000 for COTA in Honor of Annabelle to help with any transplant-related expenses.

On August 9, 2017 we got “the call” that would forever change our lives, and we quickly rushed to Pittsburgh. We Annabellewere very fortunate that our first call was “the call” that gave Annabelle her new liver. She went back for surgery around 10:30pm that night and they finished her surgery around 9am that next morning. After surgery Annabelle spent about one week in the PICU. After that week the transplant team moved herto the transplant recovery unit where she stayed until she was discharged. Around two weeks post-transplant Annabelle did encounter a small episode of rejection. Even though “rejection” sounds scary it is very common early on in transplant, and mild cases like Annabelle’s are generally treated with some high-powered IV steroids for a few days. Annabelle was discharged on August 30e and only spent a total of 21 days in the hospital. The transplant/genetics teams in Pittsburgh told us to prepare for complications (as is common with Organic Acidemia patients), but overall Annabelle had very few complications from her transplant surgery for which we are thankful.

After getting discharged we were required to stay in the Pittsburgh area until the transplant team decided she was stable enough to return home to North Carolina. Luckily, the Ronald McDonald House there is amazing, and instead of hotel rooms they have small one-bedroom apartments making it possible to live there for an extended period of time. Plus, it is one of the few Ronald McDonald Houses where it is connected to the hospital, so even when Annabelle was inpatient we were able to easily access their services (homemade meals, laundry, therapy pets, etc). We stayed in Pittsburgh until late November mainly going to the hospital for weekly labs, therapies, and clinic visits. The team had to keep changing her medications weekly so that her liver numbers and her EBV levels (Epstein-Barr Virus that she acquired from her donor) maintained a healthy balance. Our total stay in Pittsburgh was a little over three months, which we were prepared for since the transplant team told us prior to surgery to expect to stay there anywhere from three to six months depending on the amount of complications.

Since we’ve been home it has been a bumpy road. The transplant team told us that the first winter post-transplant is always very difficult and they were right! Annabelle has been living in a bubble all winter, but she has still been in and out of the hospital the past few months due to illnesses from her immunosuppression. When we do have to go to the hospital its more for treating the illness caused from her immunosuppression rather than treating her underlying metabolic disorder. When you get a liver transplant it really is just trading out one disease (Pennsylvanie) for the other (transplant) in hopes that treating the transplant gets easier in time.

Even though the liver transplant brings a whole new set of issues (more frequent bloodwork, more meds, life-long Annabelle Janvier 2018immunosuppression), we know that Annabelle is more metabolically stable on a day-to-day basis. Even when she does get sick we don’t worry as much about the significant possibility of brain damage because her ammonia levels stay within the normal range or are only slightly elevated. The highest her ammonia has gotten post-transplant has been 98 (from frequent vomiting), and her new normal on a “good day” now averages in the 30’s. It’s also been amazing to see the developmental progress she’s been making post-transplant. She’s so much more alert, and her overall energy level and muscle tone have increased greatly.

Since Annabelle’s transplant we have been able to come off of Carbaglu and Bicitra, but she is still receiving Carnitine (which we were told she’ll be on for the rest of her life). Her feeding skills are still lacking, and getting her to eat by mouth is still a struggle. Cependant, elle commence à s'alimenter et à progresser, donc nous espérons qu'elle finira par manger assez de nourriture par la bouche pour sortir de sa formule,,en,Son apport en protéines peut être moins restreint maintenant,,en,et n'a pas essayé de pousser ses protéines aussi longtemps que ses acides aminés restent dans la plage normale,,en,Le principal avantage alimentaire après la transplantation est que nous n'avons pas besoin de peser ses aliments solides maintenant et nous passons juste par l'étiquette nutritionnelle,,en,maintenant nous laissons aller si le vomissement devient excessif,,en,Il y a beaucoup plus de marge de manœuvre dans sa stabilité globale,,en. Her protein intake can be less restricted now, but since she’s primarily tube fed her metabolic dietician has been conservative (1.3g/kg) and hasn’t tried to push her protein as long as her amino acids stay within the normal range. The main food advantage post-transplant is that we don’t have to weigh her solid foods now and we just go by the nutrition label. Also, if she throws up we don’t have to immediately pump more formula back in her; now we just let it go unless the vomiting becomes excessive. There’s a lot more wiggle room in her overall stability,and we aren’t “living on the edge” every single day like we were pre-transplant.

We know the decision to transplant your child is a difficult one, and we’re very open to discussing our journey with any families that would like to speak with us. Please feel free to see more about our journey at where you’ll be able to find our blog posts, as well as, a link to Annabelle’s Facebook Page where you can see photos and videos from our transplant journey.

Sincerely,La famille d'Annabelle peut 2017

Mike, Charity, and Annabelle

Nila B.

Nila’s Story

Nila Rechelle was born 1/6/12 at 4:02am via emergency cesarean. She was three weeks early and weighed in atPhoto de Nila 6lbs 4oz and 19 pouces de long. She passed all initial screenings and appeared to be a healthy baby girl. She did struggle to latch, so I pumped and bottle fed her. She did not make any attempt to suck whether it be breast or bottle. The first day she was able to keep the breastmilk down, but then I was unable to produce anything, so we introduced formula to keep her fed. Shortly after the first formula, Nila began to projectile vomit anything that went in. Joe and I were concerned for her not being able to keep anything down. The nurses over and over tried reassuring us this was completely normal for a new baby. The next day Nila began to turn jaundice on us. She had to stay under bilirubin lights 24 hours a day and only out of the incubator to feed and diaper changes. Her color was improving minimally and her feeding seemed to improve slightly. She had to stay in the hospital an extra day. The doctor released us and we went home. All seemed well for the first few days home with the exception of a few vomiting episodes. Then, we received a call from our pediatrician letting us know we needed to take her to the hospital the next morning for additional blood spots and urine analysis. He let us know her newborn screening came back with signs of a metabolism disorder similar to PKU. He scheduled her first appointment with Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis the following Monday with the Genetics team. The blood and urine were rushed off to Duke and we worried and waited impatiently for Monday. We got to Riley and met the team, they informed us of her diagnosis of Propionic Acidemia. This was a huge blow for us. How could our perfect baby girl have to deal with such a terrible disease? How were we going to manage this? So many questions and so many unknowns. Lucky for us, we came in contact with several families through Facebook forums and the dieticians and genetics counselor became family and we were in constant contact. What seemed so scary at first, motivated us and we learned so much and found out it wasn’t as terrible as we thought.

Nila struggled with her initial milestones such as holding her head up, rolling and crawling. She had Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Developmental Therapy several times each week. Once we strengthened her tiny muscles she took off. She zoomed through her milestones! She walked right before 10 months and then she was released from therapy. She has had 17 hospital stays and many more lengthy ER visits for D10 fluid boosts. Ear infections, gastrointestinal bugs and the periodic cold were the main reasons for her hospital stays and visits. The only metabolic stay was a 1 week stay after she had gotten RSV. We were close to getting a tube in but Nila got stronger each day with her sick formula and D10 and started eating again. À ce jour,, she presents as a mild case of PA, but we do not take that lightly as she may began to show late onset symptoms as she gets older.

She has always eaten by mouth. She was recently taken off of her metabolic formula and she loves it! She has an extra 8 grams to eat in regular foods in addition to the 28 grams she already gets through food. She enjoys mac-n-cheese, chips, mushrooms, fries, fruits of all kinds, pickles and popsicles galore. Our biggest struggle now is to make sure she gets her daily protein intake goal met and to make sure she is not sneaking food.

Nila is thriving and doing everything a 6 year old girl is able do! Nila started Kindergarten this past fall and she is one of the top students in her class. She was selected to participate in the High Ability class at one of our local schools. She is smart as a whip and is learning so much in her outdoor kindergarten class. She loves gymnastics, playing softball, riding her bike, fishing, gardening, painting nails and doing her make-up, digging for worms, exploring outdoors and making mud slime!

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

An Ancient Tradition with Practical Application

Vicki Ancell Sheahen, MBA, CPC, CCC

Pathway Coaching

“We cannot stop the waves, but we can learn to surf” Jon Kabat-Zin

Meditation has taken its rightful place in western society. The benefits of meditation, from reducing stress, modulating hormonal functioning, especially of oxytocin and cortisol,et reducing the intensity and frequency of negative and chronic stress reactions are now being documented and used by medical doctors, medical clinics, such as Mayo, and many other professionals today.

Meditation strengthens our ability to cope with difficult emotional experiences et increase emotional wellbeing by mitigating negative thinking, including rumination. Meditation as a way of being teaches us to manage the “narrative” in our head and helps us become emotionally proactive rather than reactive.

Mindfulness Meditation is a method that focuses on our breathing, noting when our mind wanders, and gently returning our attention back to our breath. This focus on our breath, noting our wandering mind and returning to our breath is training our brain to be focused and present in our daily lives, what Dan Harris calls the “off the bench benefits” of meditation. The goal of meditation is not to empty our mind, which is impossible, but to focus on the present in spite the narrative in our head.

Basic Breath Meditation

In my practice, when working with new student meditators, I recommend practicing 5 to 10 minutes a day. I also recommend finding a group or meditation coach in your area to help you grow and refine your practice. Set a timer so you are not worried about the time; 5 minutes is a very good and doable start.

Read the instructions below

When comfortable -set your timer for 5 minutes and begin

Find a comfortable position in which to sit for this period. As you allow your eyes to gently close, tune into your body and make any minor adjustments. It can be helpful to remember our intentions of both ease and awareness. Sit in a way that feels comfortable but alert.

We’ll start with a few minutes of concentration practice, just to help our minds settle and arrive in our present time meditation experience.Take a cleansing breath in and feel how the breath awakens your senses. As you breath out, imagine breathing out any tension, stress, or anxiety.

Now allow your body to resume its natural breathing and see where in the body you can feel the breath. It may be in the stomach or abdomen, where you can feel the rising and falling as your body breathes. It might be in the chest, where you may notice the expansion and contraction as your body inhales and exhales. Perhaps it’s at the nostrils, where you can feel a slight tickle as the air comes in, and the subtle warmth as your body exhales.

You can pick one spot to stay with for this meditation practice. As you become a witness to your breathing, we will use “labeling the breath” as a technique to help you stay focused. As you breathe in with awareness say silently to yourself “in” and on exhaling, say silently to yourself “out”.Remember that labeling the breath is a tool to help build concentration and focus and is not a measurement of how good a meditator you are.

You will notice your mind wandering. When your mind wanders, and it always will, we are being offered an opportunity to cultivate mindfulness and concentration. Each time we notice our mind wandering, we’re strengthening our ability to recognize our experience. Each time we bring the mind back to the breath, we’re strengthening our ability to focus on an object in the present moment. Treat this as an opportunity rather than a problem, and return to your “in” breath.


10% Happier: Dan Harris

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: Dan Harris, Jeff Warren, Carlyle Adler

Wherever You Go There You Are – Jon Kabat-Zin

Arriving at your own Door: 108 Lessons in Mindfulness – Jon Kabat-Zinn

No Time Like The Present- Jack Kornfield

Meditation Apps

10% Happier


Simply Being


Next Steps for the Propionic Acidemia Nutrition Guidelines

Next Steps for the Propionic Acidemia Nutrition Guidelines

Elaina Jurecki MS, RD and Keiko Ueda, MPH, RD, PROP Workgroup Chairs

The Propionic Acidemia (SOUTENIR) workgroup has successfully completed the development of the Nutrition Management Guideline for PROP, a collaborative effort between Genetic Metabolic Dietitians International (GM) and the Southeast Regional Genetics Network (SERN)*. Any recommendations, such as these, are not effective unless there are tools to help implement them. The next step is to develop a tool kit to help support this endeavor. The PROP tool kit will provide practical examples for metabolic dietitians and other clinicians to apply the Nutrition Guidelines in caring for their patients living with propionic acidemia. Nous visons la boîte à outils PROP être disponible au printemps,,en,ou,,en,Nous prévoyons également pour le manuscrit de la nutrition PROP Lignes directrices à soumettre pour publication dans une revue médicale par la fin de cette année,,en,Il a été déterminé qu'une feuille de synthèse avec une question d'accompagnement Foire aux,,en,Foire aux questions,,en,et suppléments,,en,Nous avons reçu de précieux commentaires des participants qui a été partagé avec notre groupe Lignes directrices de la nutrition de base pour aider à mettre à jour et améliorer le résumé et FAQ Sheets,,en,Nous ont acquis des connaissances précieuses des parents et des patients vivant avec le PROP de leurs questions et défis posés par la mise en œuvre des lignes directrices de nutrition PROP,,en 2018 on the Nutrition Guidelines webpage via: or We also plan for the PROP Nutrition Guideline manuscript to be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal by the end of this year.

In February 2017, the Nutrition Guidelines Core group and PROP Workgroup Chairs had a meeting with patient advocates representing PAF and the Organic Acidemia Association (OAA). It was determined that a Summary Sheet with an accompanying Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) sheet would be helpful for patients, families and caregivers living with PROP.

The Summary Sheet is a one-page list of things to consider and discuss with your metabolic team. This summary is not meant to provide medical advice. Some items addressed in the summary include when to contact your metabolic clinic, certain medications to consider, suggestions for sick day instructions, and what laboratory and physical assessments should be followed. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet includes questions addressing such things as: Nutrient Intake (i.e. How much protein can I handle?) and Supplements (i.e. Do I need isoleucine or valine supplements?). Other topics are Blood Monitoring, Maladie, Liver Transplant and Pregnancy. Both the Summary and FAQ Sheets are resources that you can bring to clinic appointments to help identify topics to discuss about your/your child’s care. They can also be helpful in informing family and friends about PROP.

In June 2017 at the PAF Warrior Wisdom Conference in Deerfield, IL; the initial drafts of the PROP Summary and FAQ sheets were presented by Keiko Ueda and Amie Thompson, RD, LD, PROP Workgroup member to parents, adults living with PROP, PROP medical experts and researchers. We received valuable feedback from participants that has been shared with our Nutrition Guidelines Core group to help update and improve the Summary and FAQ Sheets. We hope to finalize these tools and have them available on the PROP Nutritional Guidelines website in the near future. We greatly appreciated the opportunity to attend the 2017 PAF conference and network with families, PROP dietitians, medical experts and researchers. We gained valuable insights from parents and patients living with PROP from their questions and challenges raised by implementation of the PROP Nutrition Guidelines.

Consumer input is very helpful as we continue to develop tools to optimize nutritional management for individuals living with propionic acidemia (PROP/PA). If you would like to review and provide feedback as well as ask questions about the PROP Nutritional Guidelines, please visit the PROP Nutritional Guidelines webpage and fill out the feedback and comments form. Thank you!

*GMDI/SERN Nutrition Guideline Development is a HRSA Supported Partnership — Grant #UH7MC3077

What I Learned From Attending a Propionic Acidemia Conference By Heather McCarthy

Heather M..What I Learned From Attending a Propionic Acidemia Conference

By Heather McCarthy

I’m sitting in a conference room listening to researchers, doctors, and dietitians challenge each other. They’re questioning each other’s studies, pressing to gain more information, debating on best practices. This would normally sound like a nightmare, but I’m in heaven.

As a mom to two children with propionic acidemia, it’s music to my ears to sit in a room full of specialists wanting to find the best treatment, solutions, and care for my children and our rare community.

I had the privilege of attending the Propionic Acidemia Foundation’s Warrior Wisdom Conference. When you’re part of a rare community, you don’t always have the opportunity to meet likeminded people. Today I sit with 15 different affected families from 17 states and Canada. The room is full of doctors, dietitians, nurses, nurse practitioners, researchers, school support, and genetic counselors from 10 leading institutions.

From this conference, I learned that we may be small, but we are mighty. It’s understandable that researchers want to find a cure for the most common diseases. If you cure something that affects many, your cure has a greater impact. So to find so many people listening, challenging, and debating, I could not be happier. Research shows only one in 100,000 people in the U.S. are affected by propionic acidemia. While that puts us in a rare category, it also helps us to become even mightier. Every time we can get doctors and researchers to communicate, connect, and debate with each other, we become stronger. Every time we can bring families together to talk to each other, share stories, and help each other, we become mightier. Every time we can challenge nutritional guidelines, therapies, and funding, we become more powerful.

From this conference, I learned that we are important. Moms and dads, siblings, and other family members in the rare community always find each other important. This conference showed we are important to the researchers. We are important to the doctors. We are important to the nutritionists, to the genetic counselors, the nurses, to the undiagnosed, to the future medical field, and to the children who may be born with propionic acidemia.

finalement, I learned there is hope. I learned that together we can expand newborn screening processes, work to get coverage for medical formulas and foods, and begin drug trials and new studies. We can expand patient registries and open additional grants for new studies and research projects.

If you belong to a rare community, you are not alone. You can be rare and mighty at the same time. You are unique and you are important. Have hope!

The Propionic Acidemia Foundation is dedicated to finding improved treatments and a cure for propionic acidemia by funding research and providing information and support to families and medical professionals. To find out more, visit

PAF Attends 16th Abbott Nutrition Metabolic Conference

PAF assiste,,en,PAF assiste,,en 16TH Abbott Nutrition Metabolic Conference

Les progrès dans la gestion des maladies métaboliques héréditaires,,en,Par Marisa Cotrina,,co,PAF membre du jury,,en,Résumé,,en,Abbott Nutrition invité Acidemia Fondation propioniques,,en,pour assister à la conférence annuelle de nutrition métabolique en Mars dernier dans l'île de Palms,,en,Caroline du Sud,,en,Cette conférence réunit diététiciens des quatre coins du pays et du Canada pour discuter des progrès et les défis dans le traitement des troubles métaboliques héréditaires,,en

March 23-25, 2017

By Marisa Cotrina, PAF board member


Abbott Nutrition invited Propionic Acidemia Foundation (PAF) to attend the annual nutrition metabolic conference this past March in the Isle of Palms, South Carolina. This conference brings together dietitians from around the country and Canada to discuss the advances and the challenges in the treatment of inherited metabolic disorders.

J'ai eu l'honneur d'assister à la conférence au nom du PAF et a été très impressionné par la façon dont bien organisé la communauté diététiste est et la diversité des initiatives qu'ils pourchassent constamment pour améliorer la communication pour une meilleure prise en charge diététique des maladies métaboliques héréditaires,,en,les négociations et les discussions qui ont eu lieu lors de la conférence attestés également la nécessité d'une plus uniforme et des directives de traitement universel,,en,Deux entretiens ont été particulièrement intéressantes pour acidémie propionique,,en,les patients,,en. Cependant, the talks and discussions that took place at the conference also evidenced the need for more uniform and universal treatment guidelines. Two talks were of particular interest for propionic acidemia (Pennsylvanie) patients. Diététicien Elaina Jurecki a présenté les nouvelles directives nutritionnelles fondées sur des données probantes qui viennent d'être finalisés pour la communauté PA,,en,une initiative qui a commencé il y a plusieurs années en collaboration avec certains des meilleurs diététiciens dans le pays et qui est finalement un balayage panoramique dans ces séries de lignes directrices,,en,fera la gestion de PA plus uniforme et efficace aux Etats-Unis,,en,Pour les diététiciens nouvelles à PA,,en,Loren Pena présenté dans un style très clair et concis les bases métaboliques pour la compréhension et le traitement de PA,,en; an initiative that started several years ago in collaboration with some of the best dietitians in the country and that is finally panning out in these series of guidelines that, hopefully, will make management of PA more uniform and effective in the USA.

For those dietitians new to PA, Dr. Loren Pena presented in a very clear and concise style the metabolic bases for understanding and treating PA. Je suis très reconnaissant de voir comment le Dr,,en,Pena gentiment plaidé en faveur de la communauté PA et a souligné le rôle PAF et les organisations de patients dans le soutien de nouvelles initiatives de recherche pour faire avancer les thérapies PA,,en,À cet égard,,en,J'espère que l'excellent discours du Dr,,en,Melanie Gilinghan sur la façon de se lancer dans la recherche clinique ont déclenché de nouvelles idées et l'intérêt pour le public pour améliorer la gestion métabolique et traitement par des essais cliniques dirigés sur le patient,,en,Parmi les discussions pour d'autres troubles,,en. Pena kindly advocated for the PA community and highlighted the role PAF and the patient organizations play in supporting new research initiatives to advance PA therapies. In this regard, I hope the excellent talk from Dr. Melanie Gilinghan on how to get started in clinical research sparked new ideas and interest in the audience to improve metabolic management and treatment through patient-directed clinical trials.

Among the talks for other disorders, il a été très instructif d'écouter le groupe de patients adultes atteints de phénylcétonurie,,en,et la nécessité de stratégies de nutrition et de conseil psychologique pour les adultes souffrant de troubles métaboliques,,en,comment faire face à la vie au collège,,en,avoir des enfants,,en,traiter le brouillard du cerveau lorsque le régime alimentaire n'est pas réglé,,en,communiquer efficacement avec votre partenaire et ses collègues quand on se sent malade ... Aussi dans l'arène des patients adultes,,en,Kiaer,,lt,du Danemark,,en,décrit son voyage sur le traitement des adultes atteints de PCU avec diagnostic tardif et discuté de la façon,,en, and the need for nutrition and psychological counseling strategies for adults with metabolic disorders: how to deal with life in college, having children, dealing with brain fog when diet is not adjusted, communicating effectively with your partner and colleagues when feeling sick… Also in the arena of adult patients, Dr. Kiaer, from Denmark, described her journey on treating PKU adults with late diagnoses and discussed how, même dans le cas des adultes et des dommages importants du cerveau,,en,il est encore possible pour le traitement afin d'améliorer une certaine fonction cérébrale degré et,,en,plus important,,en,qualité de vie,,en,Le thème de la transplantation du foie et dans quelle mesure il peut être en marche arrière et / ou la prévention des dommages métaboliques a été discutée dans le cadre de MSUD avec diététiste Melanie Reeves,,en, there is still opportunity for treatment to improve to some degree brain function and, more importantly, quality of life.

The topic of liver transplantation and how effective it may be in reversing and/or preventing metabolic damage was discussed in the context of MSUD with dietitian Melanie Reeves. Il était clair de ce discours l'urgence de publier davantage de données sur la transplantation de foie de toutes les unités de transplantation dans le pays afin que les patients et les cliniciens peuvent prendre une décision plus instruits sur les risques et les avantages de cette approche pour la gestion à long terme du métabolisme troubles,,en,J'ai aussi eu l'occasion d'apprendre de nouvelles innovations dans le traitement des troubles métaboliques,,en,Télémédecine dans les pays en développement avec le Dr,,en,Hans Andersson,,sv,l'application de régime métabolique avec la nutritionniste Alette Giezen,,en.

I also had the opportunity to learn about new innovations in the treatment of metabolic disorders: Telemedicine in the developing world with Dr. Hans Andersson, the metabolic diet app with nutritionist Alette Giezen, et les erreurs innées dans l'ère génomique avec le Dr,,en,Neil Lamb,,en,un excellent,,en,parler de ce que la génomique,,en,et comment nous pouvons l'appliquer à diagnostiquer et à mieux comprendre les erreurs innées du métabolisme,,en,Dernier,,en,Mark Korson a animé un exercice avec l'équipe CHOP et équipe de l'Oregon pour discuter de deux sujets cruciaux dans notre communauté,,en,troubles métaboliques peuvent être gérés sans formules médicales,,en,quand est-il rentable et éthique approprié d'inclure des troubles métaboliques chez NBS,,en. Neil Lamb, an excellent 101 talk on what genomics is, and how we can apply it to diagnose and better understand inborn errors of metabolism.

Last, Dr. Mark Korson moderated an exercise with team ChoP and team Oregon to discuss two crucial topics in our community: 1) can metabolic disorders be managed without medical formulas?, et 2) when is it cost effective and ethically appropriate to include metabolic disorders in NBS? Bien que les discussions ne sont pas nécessairement les vues professionnelles des présentateurs,,en,les arguments utilisés étaient tous basés dans les cas de la vie réelle,,en,D'excellentes présentations des deux équipes et discussion fantastique,,en,Les diététistes sont une ligne de défense dans la gestion chronique de PA,,en,et nous devons écouter et travailler avec eux autant qu'avec nos médecins,,en,une excellente occasion d'apprentissage pour le PAF,,en,PAF 16 Assiste Abbott Nutrition Conférence métabolique,,en,TH,,en,Abbott Nutrition Conférence métabolique,,en, the arguments utilized were all based in real life cases. Excellent presentations from both teams and fantastic discussion.

Dietitians are a critical line of defense in the chronic management of PA, and we need to listen and work with them as much as with our medical doctors. Overall, a great learning opportunity for PAF

Evie lame

lame Evelyn – updated 3/5/2017

lame Evelyn

lame Evelyn

Evelyn lame est né et tout semblait être grande. Nous avons pris sa maison après 2 jours et une fois la maison, elle a refusé d'infirmière. J'ai essayé et essayé et elle ne voulait pas rester éveillé assez longtemps pour verrouiller. Nous avons pensé qu'il pourrait être juste je n'ai pas de lait, nous avons essayé la formule et elle a refusé cela aussi. Nous avons essayé de lui donner un bain et elle est restée endormie et tout au long de la première nuit sa respiration est devenue laborieuse. Le lendemain matin, nous sommes allés à son Dr. pour vérifier que tout vérifié ok. Le Dr. dit que le symptôme de étaient “de” et nous a envoyé aux soins de santé pour enfants d'Atlanta pour vous assurer que rien n'était.
Une fois que nous sommes arrivés à l'ER de CHOA, ils ont rapidement rétréci vers le bas ce qu'elle avait à 3 des choses: Méningite, une infection, ou un problème métabolique. Elle a été placée sur un ventilateur parce qu'ils ne voulaient pas qu'elle se lasse et arrêtent de respirer par elle-même car elle était si petite. After 4 heures d'essai, nous avons été envoyés à l'USIP avec le diagnostic d'un trouble métabolique.
Nous avons été accueillis par 15 les gens qui veulent le consentement pour les lignes et les procédures PIC ainsi que 2 Drs génétique. Nous avons été pris dans une chambre où on nous a dit que Evelyn était extrêmement malade et s'ils ne pouvaient pas obtenir son ammoniac vers le bas, ils auraient à faire la dialyse et que, parfois, ils ne pouvaient pas sur un bébé que les petits. Donc en gros, de ne pas attendre à un grand résultat. On nous a dit que si elle a fait vivre à travers cette, elle serait sévèrement handicapée.
Cette nuit, elle a commencé à avoir des crises et il a été décidé que la dialyse était la seule option. After 5 hours, son niveau d'ammoniac a commencé à diminuer rapidement et elle a commencé à aller mieux. Ses seizers arrêtés le lendemain matin juste après elle a été baptisée (louer le Seigneur) et elle a commencé à améliorer considérablement. On nous a dit que nous serions dans PICU pendant au moins 4 weeks, si non 6. Evelyn a prouvé les Drs mauvais. Nous étions hors de USIP en 1 week et a passé une semaine à l'USIN étape B obtenir le coup de son nouveau régime.
Evie Blade est maintenant 4 mois et souffler tout le monde loin. Son équipe de régime est incroyable et je les mettre à jour sur son poids hebdomadaire afin que nous puissions assurer qu'elle est d'obtenir le bon mélange. Elle mange actuellement 21 oz de lait maternel, 20 Proprimex g de 5 ml et de la L-carnitine. Elle mange aussi 6, yes 6!, cuillères à soupe de céréales de riz. Elle mange de tout par la bouche. Nous avons les outils pour mettre un tube NG dans incase elle tombe malade (nous avons dû faire 1 temps 2 jours quand elle a obtenu un rhume)
Je lui ai parlé diététiste et nous pensons qu'elle est entrée en crise en raison de la famine et devrait être capable de gérer une quantité décente de protéines. Nous lui avons évalué par une personne PT / OT pour faire en sorte qu'elle se développe correctement et jusqu'à présent, elle est. Nous sommes conscients qu'en raison de la saisie et de la crise qu'elle était en, elle pourrait avoir des difficultés d'apprentissage, mais quand ils viennent, nous traiterons. Nous espérons qu'avec l'intervention précoce, nous pouvons lui rendre la vie aussi normale que possible.
Nous avions Evie lame via la FIV. À cause de ce, nous avons toujours 8 embryons congelés qui sont tous d'excellente qualité. Nous prévoyons obtenir la 8 testé pour le gène PA (nous savons Evelyn – elle a 2 mutation, 1 seulement 1 personne a déclaré avoir l'autre personne n'a déclaré avoir). Les embryons qui reviennent positifs, nous prévoyons un don pour la recherche spécifique à PA.

Grant and Sebastian

Grant and Sebastian

Mis à jour en mai 2020

Histoire de famille avec COVID-19

Pour la plupart d'entre nous, COVID-19 a mis le monde à notre place pour la première fois. Le monde a commencé à comprendre à quoi ressemble la saison du rhume et de la grippe pour les familles qui ont un enfant atteint d'acidémie propionique. Pour une fois, nous n'étions pas les seuls à être "paranoïaques" à l'idée que nos enfants tombent malades et doivent être hospitalisés.

À certains égards, cela est réconfortant, mais dans d'autres, cela m'a totalement mis à genoux. Nous sommes rapidement devenus non seulement responsables du bien-être médical de notre enfant, mais aussi pour leur bien-être social, émotionnel et scolaire. Alors que la plupart d'entre nous ont dû apporter un soutien à nos enfants pour s'assurer qu'ils progressent, Je pense que peu d'entre nous ont dû assumer le rôle d'enseignant, thérapeute, maman, infirmière et aussi un travail à temps plein toute la journée.

De profession je suis enseignant, mais je ne suis ni professeur d'éducation spécialisée ni physiothérapeute, ergothérapeute et professeur d'orthophonie. Même si nous nous battons pour nos enfants tous les jours, Je pense que cela a été un voyage difficile. C'est une nouvelle normalité non seulement pour nous, mais pour le monde dans son ensemble. Cela a apporté une nouvelle peur dans nos vies, avec beaucoup d'inconnues. Maintenant, même le séjour à l'hôpital typique est devenu des eaux sans navigation, avec de nouveaux protocoles mis en place quotidiennement, parfois toutes les heures. Comment intégrer tout cela 24 hours? Pour beaucoup d'entre nous, le système de support étendu que nous avons construit a été supprimé, nos infirmières à domicile, thérapeutes, enseignants, etc.. ont été supprimés, sauf pour Zoom, et qui plaisantons Zoom n'est pas la même chose que les gens qui sont chez nous et nous aident, nous donnant une heure ici ou là d'interaction avec les adultes.

Yes, ces temps sont difficiles, mais je sais que les jours meilleurs sont en avance, ou au moins les plus chauds. Ce qui entraîne une toute nouvelle série de changements. Pendant l'été, le parc et la piscine sont nos lieux de prédilection pour divertir les garçons. Ces options ont disparu pour cet été. Que devons-nous faire? Nous avons déjà été sur une longue période de routine d'été. Comment allons-nous garder ces enfants cool et divertis pour un autre 3 months? Pour notre famille la réponse était de refaire, notre petit heureusement, arrière-cour dans une zone de divertissement pour les garçons. Un où ils pourraient aller et être dehors, mais pas besoin d'être exposé aux germes. La cour a été paillée, l'îlot gonflable a été gonflé et l'ombre a été apportée.

Bien que certains de ces virus soient familiers parce que nous traitons avec PA, une grande partie soulève de nouvelles questions et des problèmes possibles. Et ça peut faire peur, nous avons la chance d'avoir la communauté des PA à qui s'adresser. Continuez à tendre la main, partagez vos joies, frustrations, peurs, avec nous. Demandez de l'aide quand vous en avez besoin et surtout sachez pour une fois, nous ne sommes pas les seuls à vivre dans une mer d'inconnus. Nous sommes tous là dedans. Notre famille espère que vous vivrez une merveilleuse aventure cet été.

Amber et John,

Grant and Sebastian, Age 7

Grant and Sebastian

Grant and Sebastian M.


Our story with PA started out the same as many of yours. Our sons were born looking perfectly healthy, besides being born six weeks early and being twins. Everyone that saw them thought they looked wonderful and would go home from the NICU rather quickly. Cependant, that all changed on the sixth day of their life. I got a call from the doctor in the NICU that Grant was struggling and had to be put on a ventilator, but they thought it was just a virus of some sort. By the time I got to the hospital he was completely comatose and there were swarms of people around him. They were trying to explain exactly what they thought had happened, but all I could understand at the time was that he was very sick and they didn’t know what to do. They were running a lot of labs on him and his twin brother Sebastian to try and see if both boys had a metabolic issue of some sort. We were quickly transferred to another hospital that had dealt with these types of conditions before. While I can remember the whole day perfectly now, in the moment everything was a blur and I seemed to be just a spectator as they hooked both boys up to an abundant amount of machines that seemed so humongous in comparison to their little 4lb bodies. They were too small for traditional dialysis, so they attempted to come up with a plan. Fortunately there was actually a visiting geneticist who was interviewing for a position at the hospital that day, who mentioned he had heard of combining ECMO and dialysis to help patients who were very small. This is what was decided as the best course of treatment for our sons. I will never forget standing over my son as they hooked up IV’s and poked and prodded him, all without him making a single, solitary sound. The ECMO and dialysis combination worked, even better than the doctors had anticipated and it seemed that both boys were on their way from catabolic to anabolic. Over the course of the next few weeks, we learned all about PA and the life that would now be our new normal. It was quite the operation at our house to get them fed around the clock, once they came home, thankfully we had and continue to have amazing support from family. The boys have had many hospitalizations since they have come home and have definitely given me lots of new gray hairs, but they have come so far. While our normal is being hospitalized with one or both of them at least once a month, they continue to grow and show us just how determined they are. They both started preschool this year and are riding the bus everyday to school. Anyone they come into contact with quickly becomes a new friend. It is so amazing to see how positively they affect the people that they come into contact with. It’s as if their personalities and happiness are contagious.

Mom of Grant & Sébastien

3 year old PA Superheroes


It’s always hard to put into words just how wonderful your child was. Sebastian didn’t know a life without Propionic Acidemia and while it did impact him physically, il n'a pas laissé cela affecter son esprit.

Sebastian aimait être avec son peuple, surtout MawMaw, Papa, Oncle Kyle et LaLa. Il aimait prendre le train à la gare de St. Louis Zoo, acclamant la St. Louis Bleus, nager et descendre le toboggan violet. Il a même pu aller à "Mickey's House", alias. Disney World this past September. He was so excited to be practicing with his team again for Special Olympics basketball, he was the king of the grandma shot and always cheered for himself as the ball flew through the air. Sebastian loved his life and all of the people in it. He enjoyed routines, cleaning, folding clothes and loading the dishwasher, he was his future wife’s dream man.

On November 14th, Sebastian passed away and left those here on earth missing him. Though he is no longer physically here, il a laissé des morceaux de lui-même éparpillés pour que chacun de nous puisse les retrouver les jours où il nous manque le plus et des souvenirs à partager les uns avec les autres pour les années à venir.. Il serait facile de perdre espoir si un autre enfant mourait d’acidémie propionique, cependant, Je pense que la vie de Sebastian, bien que court, nous a appris qu'il y a toujours de la joie et de l'espoir à avoir, parfois il suffit de chercher un peu plus fort pour le trouver.