
Die Propionazidämie Stiftung zu finden verbesserte Behandlungen und eine Heilung für Propionazidämie durch die Finanzierung von Forschung und Bereitstellung von Informationen und Unterstützung für Familien und medizinischen Fachleuten gewidmet.

Funding Research

Since its inception, PAF has funded over $1,400,000 in research.

Providing Information and support

  • Attend and Exhibit at National Conferences
  • Webseite – links to Parent Guides, nutritional information, research publications, resources, etc…
  • Mitteilungsblatt sent out twice a year
  • PA International Patient Registry
  • PA Education Conference offers opportunity for families, researchers and medical providers to learn and interact
  • PA Family Day give families time to learn from other families that are affected by PA in a warm, casual environment.
  • Facebook Group gives families a chance to ask questions, give updates, and get support.
  • Care Notebook for families that can be downloaded
  • Toll free phone number (US)


To create a future where Propionic Acidemia can be prevented and any affected individual can be cured and live a productive life.