
Thursday, June 8th

6:30pm-9:00pm     Welcome Reception/Registration: Opportunity for families, healthcare

providers and researchers to meet each other and exchange information in an informal setting.

Children are welcome.

                                    For first time attendees, a PAF board member will meet with families to help you get the most from the conference (sign up required).

Friday, June 9th

6:00am-8:15am     Breakfast for guests staying at the Hyatt.  (Choose from the buffet or off the                                                                        Restaurant menu).   Breakfast passes distributed by the hotel at check-in.

8:15am-8:30am     Registration and Exhibitor Set-up
Leclaire Ballroom

8:30am-8:45am     Welcome – Opening Remarks, Jill Chertow Franks, President PAF

8:45am-9:30am    “Propionic Acidemia: An Overview”, Barbara K. Burton, M.D.

9:30am-10:15am   “Different approaches to dietary management of methylmalonic and propionic                                                                    acidemia”, IriniManoli, M.D., Ph.D.

10:15am-10:30am   Questions/Discussions

10:30am-10:45am   Break/Visit Exhibitors

10:45am-11:15am    Morning Breakout Groups – Topics:
Nutrition & G-tube Feeding, Heather Bausell, RD, LDN
Genetics – Prenatal Diagnosis, PGD, Katherine H. Kim, MS, Genetic Counselor
Research Participation

11:15am-12:00noon    “Propionic Acidemia Protocol: A Progress Report”, Oleg A. Shchelochkov, M.D.

12:00noon-1:00pm      Group Photo/Lunch

1:00pm-1:45pm       “Treatment protocol and outcomes with the Amish/Mennonite variant”,
D. Holmes Morton, MD.

1:45pm-2:30pm        “Translational approach to the study of Propionic Acidemia”, Charles P. Venditti, M.D., Ph.D.

2:30pm-2:45pm       Discussion/Questions

2:45pm-3:00pm       Break – Visit Exhibitors

3:00pm-3:45pm       “Enzyme replacement and chaperone studies”, Jan P. Kraus, Ph.D.

3:45pm-4:00pm       “Short-term Outcome of N-Carbamylglutamate in the Treatment of Acute                                                                             Hyperammonemia”, Nicholas Ah Mew, M.D.

4:00pm-4:15pm        Questions/Discussion

4:15pm-5:00pm         Afternoon Breakout Groups/Visit Exhibitors

5:00pm                        Adjourn

Saturday, June 10th, 2017

6:00am-8:30am         Breakfast for guests staying at the Hyatt.  (Choose from the buffet or off the Restaurant                                                  menu).   Breakfast passes distributed by the hotel at check-in.

8:30am-9:00am         PAF Board Meeting/Updates

9:00am-9:45am         “New mechanisms of cellular pathogenesis in Propionic Acidemia”,
Hilary J. Vernon, M.D., Ph.D.

9:45am-10:30am       “Liver transplantation in Propionic Acidemia”, Gerard Berry, M.D.

10:30am-10:45am     Break

10:45am-11:15am      Family Panel

11:15am-12noon        Questions/Discussion Wrap-up

12noon-1:00pm         Lunch

Speakers, topics, and time slots subject to change

Updated 4/6/2017

PAF WWC Agenda – Printable Version