How Can I Help?
The expense of medical research and family support requires ongoing fundraising efforts on the part of Propionic Acidemia Foundation. Contributions to Propionic Acidemia Foundation are tax deductible; however, consult with your tax advisor for your particular circumstances.
I Can…. download donation cards in honor of/in memory of someone or for an event:
Birthday Donation Cards
Graduation Donation Cards
Memorial Donation Cards
Holiday Donation Cards
Standard Cards
Snowflake Border Cards
Tree Border Cards
You can download this pdf for use with Avery 5160 label paper to print labels: Label PDF With a few days notice, we can also personalize donation cards for you. Just email
Become a Business Sponsor
See a list of our sponsors
Contact paf@pafoundation for Sponsorship opportunities.
Thank our business sponsors.
Make a donation
Donation Form – can be used for all donations including those in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone or in honor of an event (birth, birthday, wedding, anniversary, engagement, etc…)
Donate on-line by clicking on Google Checkout Donate Button:
Donate on-line by clicking on the PayPal link
Check with Human Resources to see if they have a Corporate Matching Program. This can be a great way to double your contribution. (What is corporate matching?)
Volunteer my time, talent and energy by joining a committee.
Contact us at
Check with Human Resources to see if they donate for volunteer hours or offer grants if you volunteer for a designated number of hours.
Spread awareness.
E-mail my story and a picture to to post on
Download brochures to give to family and friends about PA and PAF.
Parent Testimonial -Click Here for Details!!!
Use as my search engine.
Approximately $.01 is raised for every search performed with, every penny does count!!! It is powered by Yahoo!!!
Don’t forget to tell all of your friends and family members about goodsearch.
Shop through a vendor and a percentage goes to PAF.
Over $1271 has been raised by searching and shopping with GoodSearch.
Shop on-line by using
PAF receives a percentage of each sale when you shop through
Over $3117 has been raised by shopping with iGive.
Sell items on Ebay and designate a % to go to Propionic Acidemia Foundation through Mission Fish. – sign up participating Safeway grocery cards and credit cards to earn a % for PAF.
Host a fundraiser
Contact the PAF for the new Fundraising Guide ( and check out these links for some great fundraising ideas!
Many restaurants will have a “fundraising night” where we could earn 10-20% of the night’s receipts.
Staples – buy office/school supplies from staples and give our toll free number so we get a %. 1-877-720-2192.