Bretty Bunch Run

On May 4, 2014 team Bretty Bunch from Milliman Philadelphia will participate in the Blue Cross Broad Street Run raising money and awareness for the Propionic Acidemia Foundation. The Blue Cross Broad Street Run course is a 10-mile run through several Philadelphia neighborhoods along Broad Street. Race information is available at

Donations can be made by check to:

Propionic Acidemia Foundation

1963 McCraren Road

Highland Park, IL 60035

or by


If you would like your name and donation amount to appear on the website, please include them in the instructions along with any comments such as “go team” or anything you deem appropriate. If no instructions are included, the donation will be anonymous.

Donations:      $1977

Christopher Tait                                                                               $250

Mike and Patty Blivess                                                                       $ 54

Vincent Luk                                                                                     $ 50

John and Mary Louise Cookson  “Go Team!”                                           $ 50

Richard Kipp “Go Boys Go!! Don’t let that Sissy Girl beat you!!-The Kippster $250

John Thompson                                                                                $100

Katherine Warren  “Go Team Bretty Bunch! Good luck Saturday!”              $ 50

Donna Boyle “Go Bretty Bunch! Milliman proud! We love you, Brett :)”        $ 50

Varuni Nelson “Best wishes to Brett and the Bunch VN”                           $105

Dan Mulhern                                                                                     $ 50

Anonymous                                                                                      $ 50

Zig Swistunowicz    “Run fast, team Bretty Bunch!”                                $ 75

Elise Eusebio                                                                                    $ 50

Sarah Marion   “Good luck!!”                                                               $ 50

Jeyakumars     “Go Bretty Bunch”                                                        $ 53

Laura Richman “Run like the wind, Bretty bunch!”                                   $ 75

James Stoltzfus                                                                               $250

Pathma Nelson  for Jay Thayakaran                                                     $100

Barbara Kavanagh                                                                            $ 25

Cana and Saratha Thayakaran “Go Bretty Bunch!!! Wish you all the Very Best in your efforts to collect funds for this worthy cause”                               $ 50

Jay Thayakaran   “Great Run, Bretty Bunch”                                          $100

Eileen Kurtz                                                                                     $ 50

Custom Ink                                                                                      $ 20

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