Maya M. – updated February 2019

Maya is a nine-year old sweetheart. She loves watching YouTube videos and making her own videos for her MayaTV channel. Maya loves to make slime and listen to music on her iPod. She also likes traveling and going on vacation with her family. Maya is in third grade and loves reading, writing in cursive, and solving multiplication problems. She joined her Service Learning Club at school and participates in gymnastics, magic classes, tennis, drama, and horseback riding through the park district.
Maya was diagnosed with Propionic Acidemia after coming home from the hospital. We were fortunate to have a quick diagnosis through the newborn prescreening and avoided any metabolic crisis. Maya consumes 13 grams of protein by mouth daily. She drinks Propimex-2 and takes vitamins. Overall, Maya is a happy and healthy little girl who makes everyone smile with her humorous personality.
Maya – 7 years old

Maya is a seven year old, energetic, and hilarious little girl. She is currently in first grade where her favorite subjects are computer class and gym class. Maya loves to travel. Her favorite travel locations are anything involving a beach and sunshine. She spends basically her whole summer at her grandparents’ Yogi Bear campground. She loves “driving the golf cart”, swimming, fishing, and trying to catch frogs. Maya loves to try all activities. She has been involved in ballet, hip hop and tap classes. She has been in Lego club, Mad Scientist club, Cooking club, and Art club. She has also tried gymnastics and theater. Maya’s favorite hobbies include making videos of herself and playing with all of her baby dolls.
Maya was diagnosed with Propionic Acidemia through her newborn prescreening. With early detection, we were able to avoid any major crisis. Currently Maya consumes 13 grams of protein by mouth and drinks Propimex-2 daily. She is not a big fan of all her doctor’s appointments, but understands she needs them to stay healthy.